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There are no active watches, warnings or advisories.
Mostly Sunny
Hi: 93
Thursday Night
Partly Cloudy
Lo: 59
Blowing Dust
Hi: 84
Friday Night
Lo: 53
Hi: 75
Saturday Night
Mostly Clear
Lo: 48
Hi: 77
Sunday Night
Lo: 44
Extended Weather Forecast
Water Level on 3/14: 825.46 (+0.46)
Water Level Details
GOOD. Water stained; 59 degrees; 0.23 feet below pool. Crappie pattern is consistent with males on spawning nests waiting for the females. Crappie are good in 3-12 feet with chartreuse jigs. Report by Jess Rotherham, Texas Crappie Fishing Service. Bass fishing is about to take-off. Many bass are on or around beds with this first wave of spawn. Throwing soft plastics and jigs are catching some. A frog or shallow crankbaits will catch a bunch around rocks, bulkheads and docks. Skipping a fluke or Texas-rigged plastics to the backs of docks are getting some nice fish. Any watermelon or green pumpkin colors are working. Report by Bryan Cotter, Texas Hawgs.
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