Dove Numbers Continue to Soar:
According to Texas Parks & Wildlife Department if you were impressed by last year's dove turnout, this season's forecast is even better. White-winged dove numbers continue to soar, and mourning dove numbers are expected to be above average.
It's always a good idea to look over the dove identifier so you know which birds to avoid. You'll find it and all your need-to-know on the Dove Season Checklist.
Regulation Changes:
New for the 2018-2019 hunting season:
Our extended 90-day season continues, with opening day begins a half-an-hour before sunrise on Sept. 1 in the North and Central Zones. The South Zone also opens on Sept. 1 due to Special White-Winged Dove Days, with shooting hours noon to sunset. The South Zone regular season opens on Sept. 14, a week earlier than in previous years. The daily bag limit for all zones is 15. Refer to this season's Outdoor Annual for details.