The event will start from June 4-6 at 9:30 AM. Race distance information is 26.2 MILE, 13.1 MILE, 10K, 5K. All course run clock-wise. For more details, visit
- Washer Tournament from 12 PM to 5 PM. This event will be held in UAQ Biergarden at Wakepoint 14757 W. FM 1431 Kingsland, TX 78639 Registration will be at Uncle Arnold's BBQ Shack starting at 11 am. $20 entry fee, prizes for 1st and 2nd place- additional prizes will be awarded.
- Live Music from Off the Road from 7 pm to 10 pm. This event will be held in The Stage at Wakepoint 14757 W. FM 1431 Kingsland, TX 78639. Enjoy classic and disco melody music on a Saturday night.